We’re Razing the bar. Providing players with clear goals and the strategic partnerships they need to build a foundation for success on and off the ice. We know players can only reach their highest potential when they have the right tools – that’s where we come in.

Three pillars of a successful career
75 years
30 NHL’ers
4 cities
6 leaders
Reach your potential during and after hockey.
We create uncommon opportunities for you to elevate your game, and then your life after the NHL.
Your strategic partner
With the right resources and support from us, we know you’ll be successful during and after hockey, because we’ve seen it work.
Be seen as a full person
You’re more than a hockey player and what’s important to you is important to us. Tell us what you need, and we’ll provide real solutions to get you there.
Expand your network, instantly
When you join Raze, you also get access to our vast network of industry pros who can help you reach your goals. Call anytime.